Discover how you can live without constant hunger and fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, and other low-energy symptoms. The Energy Balance Podcast will teach you how to maximize your cellular energy so you can take back your health and finally experience clear-headed focus, restful sleep, and all-day energy you didn’t think was possible.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
The many mistakes we made after finding Ray Peat and the bioenergetic view
Our re-feeding periods that involved eating over 5,000 calories and 700g of carbs per day
Our experimentation with various supplements (thyroid, B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, pro-metabolic hormones, antibiotics, methylene blue, inosine) and what we learned along the way
How long it took for us to see major improvements and stability in our health (it’s probably longer than you think)
Why nutrition alone is not enough for optimal health (and what other factors we should consider)
- Our experiences in authoritarian environments (especially within the education system) and working to shed dogmatism
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-62-diving-in-to-the-bioenergetic-view-and-our-mistakes-along-the-way-our-health-journeys-part-2/
4:11 – going all-in on a bioenergetic, Ray Peat inspired diet and experimenting with milk and low-fat diets
17:28 – Mike’s journey with milk, a carnivore diet, and refining his bioenergetic diet
26:40 – Jay’s lingering issues and experiments that helped resolve them
33:53 – Mike’s continued experimentation and the factors outside of nutrition that had major impacts on his health
46:49 – Jay’s continued experimentation and how stress and a lack of sleep affected his health
53:03 – creating an optimal environment is always a work in progress
59:19 – Mike’s depressive period following college and Jay’s experience with depression
1:06:06 – our experiences in authoritarian environments (especially within the education system) and working to shed dogmatism
1:20:51 – the value of intuition and listening to how you feel as well as working to understand the physiology
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Mike’s severe gut issues that led to dangerous weight loss and eventually surgery
Jay’s experience with undereating/anorexia and how this shaped his health journey
How doing everything we were “supposed to do” led to us feeling our worst
Our experiences following various diets (vegetarian, paleo, keto, intermittent fasting, low-fat, bodybuilding) and how we navigated through them
Our experiences with symptoms like cold hands and feet, insomnia, low energy, low libido, anxiety, depression, hair loss, joint pain, bloating, weight gain, allergies, histamine intolerance, psoriasis, and viral and fungal issues
- What led us to Ray Peat and the bioenergetic view
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-61-undereating-fad-diets-and-discovering-the-bioenergetic-view-our-health-journeys-part-1/
3:40 – why we decided to share our stories
6:54 – the beginning of Mike’s health journey and his experience with severe gut issues, the conventional medical system, and surgery
41:24 – the earlier parts of Jay’s health journey and his experience with severe undereating, binging, and conventional nutrition information
1:06:23 – when we began to question mainstream ideas and low-carb
1:22:05 – our introduction to Ray Peat and the bioenergetic view through Danny Roddy
1:25:26 – our initial pro-metabolic/paleo combo diet
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Whether human-produced carbon dioxide is a major contributor to climate change
Whether carbon-offsetting programs and initiatives are effective
Industry tactics used to shift blame to the people and avoid taking responsibility for their actions
Whether we should be blaming each other for the destruction of our environment
- Tactics used by the media to prevent open discussion on controversial topics
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-60-carbon-dioxide-and-our-environment-climate-destroying-or-life-supporting/
3:30 – keeping an open mind when it comes to discussing the environment and climate change
6:54 – carbon dioxide as an environmental and climatological scapegoat
10:25 – tactics used to prevent open, scientific discussion on topics, such as shifting the narrative, creating unfalsifiable arguments, creating false dichotomies, and citing consensus
30:06 – some reasons why carbon dioxide may not be the culprit causing climate change
36:47 – other factors to consider when evaluating humanity’s impact on the environment
39:05 – the overpopulation myth, shifting blame to the people, and creating profitable solutions to manufactured problems
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
The major problem with Wim Hoff breathing and an alternative that supports carbon dioxide production
Why using thyroid, caffeine, and other metabolic stimulants can increase or decrease carbon dioxide production depending on the context
Why burning carbs leads to more than a 50% increase in carbon dioxide production relative to fat-burning
How PUFA consumption decreases carbon dioxide production
- The best carbohydrate sources to oppose stress and support carbon dioxide production
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-59-how-to-increase-carbon-dioxide-and-minimize-lactate-oxygenation-swelling-and-ph-balance-part-4/
4:20 – energy and the structuring of water as the drivers of health and life and opposition of aging
19:05 – the role of excess lactate and a lack of CO2 in neuropathy and nerve damage in diabetes, glaucoma, and epilepsy
20:18 – how increasing mitochondrial respiration increases carbon dioxide and the importance of using carbohydrates as a fuel instead of fat when it comes to carbon dioxide production
23:16 – how PUFA consumption decreases carbon dioxide production
27:43 – how thyroid, caffeine, and B vitamins can increase carbon dioxide production
29:56 – the problem with Wim Hoff breathing and alternatives that increase carbon dioxide production, including bag breathing and Buteyko breathing
39:57 – carbohydrate sources to oppose stress and support carbon dioxide production
43:48 – other considerations regarding Buteyko, other breathing techniques, and the double-edged sword of prometabolic supplements
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
How insulin resistance and diabetes are symptoms of excess glycolysis and lactate production, and how metformin makes these conditions worse
How excess lactate production and a lack of CO2 causes altitude sickness and anxiety and panic attacks
The benefits of altitude and the surprising parallel effects of stormy weather
The problem with 100% oxygen ventilation in critical illnesses like severe COVID-19 infections and sepsis
- How glycolytic metabolism and the swelling that results contributes to high blood pressure and heart failure
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-58-altitude-panic-attacks-swelling-heart-failure-and-more-oxygenation-swelling-and-ph-balance-part-3/
3:40 – health conditions and situations where we see impaired oxygenation and swelling
8:54 – insulin resistance as a presentation of inhibited glucose oxidation, excess glycolysis, and lactate production, and why metformin makes this worse
21:16 – respiratory alkalosis in altitude sickness
36:28 – respiratory alkalosis in panic attacks/anxiety attacks and hyperventilation
41:09 – adaptation to altitude, the lactate paradox, and stormy weather
43:59 – the problem with 100% oxygen ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), including sepsis and respiratory illness like COVID-19, and the protective effects of CO2 in these situations
54:49 – how a lack of CO2 and excess lactate causes pulmonary edema, impaired ventilation, impaired heart contractility, reduced circulation, high blood pressure, mineral imbalances, and edema
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Why lactate is not a harmless byproduct of glycolysis
How lactate drives swelling and prevents proper mineral balance, oxygenation, and pH balance
Misconceptions around pH balance and the idea that alkalinity is healthy
Why we want our cells to be acidic rather than alkaline
- What we can do to maintain proper pH balance throughout our bodies
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-57-glycolysis-lactate-and-ph-balance-oxygenation-swelling-and-ph-balance-part-2/
3:13 – contrasting complete glucose oxidation with anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis
17:28 - the harmful and degenerative effects of inefficient glucose metabolism and excess lactate production
25:19 – the effect of lactate/lactic acid production and inefficient metabolism on swelling, mineral balance, oxygenation, and pH balance
35:35 – whether there’s validity to the acid alkaline ash diet
48:16 – the impact of mitochondrial respiration on pH balance
51:13 – physiological control of pH balance
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Why increasing carbon dioxide production is key if we want to increase our metabolism
Whether burning carbohydrates is the best way to raise carbon dioxide
How carbon dioxide interacts with our cellular protein structure to create structured water
Carbon dioxide’s role in circulation and preventing high blood pressure
- How carbon dioxide reduces swelling and water retention
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-56-carbon-dioxide-as-a-key-to-raising-metabolism-oxygenation-swelling-and-ph-balance-part-1/
2:46 – an introduction to the relevance of carbon dioxide (CO2)
6:35 – the role of carbon dioxide in respiration (The Bohr and Haldane Effects)
13:45 –carbon dioxide as a driver of our metabolism and the importance of carbohydrate oxidation for CO2 production
27:10 – carbon dioxide as the primary vasodilator
32:50 – carbon dioxide as an antioxidant that protects against reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species
38:22 – carbon dioxide in the context of hormesis and its anti-hormetic effects
41:29 – the value of the context provided by the bioenergetic view
47:40 – carbon dioxide’s role in the structuring of the cell and creating structured water, as well as reducing swelling and water retention
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Whether hair loss caused by a lack of energy
Whether Mike is losing his hair
Why symptoms don’t always clearly reflect our energetic state
Whether we can or should eat based on our genetics
- The flaws in the idea that genetics determine our health
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-55-hair-loss-genetic-eating-and-symptoms-as-a-reflection-of-energetic-state-q-a/
2:52 – is Mike losing his hair?
24:37 – the relationship between symptoms, predispositions, and energy balance
39:34 – whether we can or should eat based on our genetics
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Whether a calorie surplus is needed to build muscle
How you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time (without a calorie deficit)
How you can build muscle while being in an energy deficit and why this comes at a major cost
Whether eating sugar will cause candida overgrowths
- Whether refined sugar affects candida or other overgrowths differently from “natural sugars”
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-54-sugar-candida-overgrowths-whether-a-calorie-surplus-is-required-to-build-muscle-q-a/
2:53 – whether a calorie surplus is required for muscle building and whether muscle can be built or maintained in an energy deficit
24:47 – thriving vs. surviving in terms of maintaining muscle mass and losing fat
32:42 – does sugar cause candida overgrowth
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Which protein powders are ideal and when it’s best to use them
Which supplements can help to boost testosterone, increase muscle mass, and raise our metabolism
Whether hormone tests are necessary or helpful
When it makes sense to supplement with hormones and factors to consider when doing so
Sign up for the Free Energy Balance Mini-Course here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/energy
Sign up for a free call here: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/call
Click here to check out the show notes: https://jayfeldmanwellness.com/ep-53-supplements-to-boost-testosterone-and-increase-metabolism-mens-hormonal-health-part-5/
3:52 – ideal protein powders and when it’s best to use then
14:38 – the problems with fish oil and omega-3s
19:34 – using vitamins A, D, E, and K to improving hormonal health
26:35 – using BCAAs, taurine, glycine, and other amino acids to support liver health, muscle building, and hormonal health
31:04 – the various benefits of using creatine and whether it’s necessary to supplement
34:28 – energy is at the core of hormonal health
38:45 – why hormone tests must be considered in context and other indicators that can be used to gauge hormonal health
43:33 – when to supplement with exogenous hormones and factors to consider when doing so